Nyyti did he´s first water rescue test in Raasepori 21.8.2011. Judge was mr. Pasi Dunderfelt.

Result was not the finest and some (most) of the lost points was really due to my nervousness. Jump from the boat was perfect 25/25p with time of 49seconds. Second move bringing the object to boat was also 25/25points with time of 42 seconds. Bringing the boat to shore was 17/25points. In this move I gave Nyyti the robe the wrong way wich caused us -2 points because it went under the boat and I needed to give it again to him. Also Nyyti swam 6meters off from goal lines, costing us -6points. Time in this move was 1 minute 32 seconds. And again Nyyti did not pick up the drowning person, so 0/25 from this. In total, 67/100points and result of ALO3 (beginners class 3).

I hope we get it right next year and can go towards result ALO1. For now, I am happy for this result and I am happy about this new experience as I have never participated in any official test before this.